Business Commerce

Finance, Marketing, Sales, Supply and Logistics

Group of individuals looking at sticky notes on a board

Did you know?

Canadian filmmakers—Graeme Ferguson, Roman Kroitor and Robert Kerr—invented cameras to film at “image maximum”—or IMAX for short. “Tiger Child,” was the first-ever IMAX movie, premiering at Expo 70.

A career in business or commerce opens up many opportunities for those interested in operations, sales, advertising, marketing, finance, logistics, and more. These self-starters manage the business side of advanced manufacturing. They think of new business ideas, create proposals and reports, make business decisions, create better and more efficient ways to make their products and grow their businesses. These people work as part of a team, essential for a business to function, and are needed in every aspect and each level—from juniors to and middle managers, to the “c-suite” jobs, senior managers and vice-presidents of corporations and organizations. This is a great way to “work your way up” through an organization.

I think ever since I was young, I liked to build things.
It’s a way to kind of flex your imagination.
You know, you can build anything you want. You can have any adventure you want.

[Text on screen] MYANT
[Text on screen] Hannah Fung, Marketing Director, Myant

At Myant, we create clothes that can sense and react to the human body.

There’s a number of really cool things about my job.
Today, I might be talking about advanced manufacturing.
Other days, you know I am a product tester.
For example, right now I am actually wearing the clothes that is sensing my heartbeat.

One of the really cool things about working at Myant is our sense of purpose.

[Text on screen] “Transforming human connectedness through textile computing.”

Our slogan is: transforming human connectedness through textile computing and it sounds like this really epic, society-changing thing.
And to be honest, that is the way we think about the work we are doing.

It’s not your mom and dad’s manufacturing.
You get the idea in your head where you see people standing in an assembly line and they’re putting things together.

And the reality of advanced manufacturing is not really like that at all.
You can go from an idea in your mind to actually creating something that you can hold really quickly.

If you are a young person who likes a challenge and being able to use your creativity, working in advanced manufacturing requires a lot of these disciplines.

There is a lot imagination that is included in my work but the thing that keeps me coming back every day is knowing that I am helping to build the future.
The things that we are doing we want everybody around the world to be participating in that and trying to build that future with us.
To dream up new things we haven’t even thought of yet.


This is not your mom and dad's manufacturing, you get this idea in your head of people standing on an assembly line putting things together. The reality of Advanced Manufacturing isn't really like that at all. You can go from an idea in your mind, to creating something you can hold really quickly.”

— Hannah Fung

Jobs & Roles

Check out the most popular and common roles in this area of study below:

Marketing Specialist

Operations Manager

Project Manager

Public Relation Specialist

Facilities Manager

HR Manager

Financial Analyst & Accountant

Intellectual Property & Commercial Lawyer

Procurement & Supply Chain Manager

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