IIOT Network

Did you know?

Canadian filmmakers—Graeme Ferguson, Roman Kroitor and Robert Kerr—invented cameras to film at “image maximum”—or IMAX for short. “Tiger Child,” was the first-ever IMAX movie, premiering at Expo 70.

IIoT means the “Industrial Internet of Things.” That means linking software systems and devices like sensors, cameras, and machines to the worldwide web to make them “connected” or “smart”—meaning they can be controlled remotely, programmed to do tasks, or gather and share data with other connected devices. This gives users greater control and analytical capabilities because these devices can process data and perform their functions with little to no human interaction or be controlled remotely. Basically, this takes the access, convenience and power of the internet, and through these connected devices, enables complex manufacturing software to be managed and controlled from a safe distance and with just our fingertips.

Outcomes & Solutions

Person holding a smart watch on top of a card machine

Smart Personal Devices

Many IoT devices are already being used by people everywhere. Everything from fridges to thermostats – even clothing – are already connected to apps on our phones. These devices help us save energy and even add eggs to our grocery list, automatically. Soon, we’ll be ordering driverless cars for a ride, simply by asking. In manufacturing smart devices can remotely monitor and control the performance of products, equipment, entire production processes, and supply chains.

Tractor watering crops on a farm

Sustainable Food Production

Smart farming uses IIoT-enabled tools like drones to monitor weather, soil composition, moisture levels, crop health and growth, livestock activity, and more. This allows for more stable, efficient, and economical food production and supply for Canadians. IIOT is also key to ensuring the safe, sustainable, and efficient processing of manufactured food products.

Skyline with lines connecting buildings

Smart Connected Cities

A reality that’s already here. IIoT solutions are in place monitoring key aspects to address growing urbanization. A city’s citizens can engage with where they live in various ways using their phones, mobile devices, connected cars, and homes. Devices and data will make cities safer, more efficient, cleaner, more sustainable, and useful for its people. And, it will help guide cars, trucks, and public transit vehicles around urban areas as well.

Careers Using this Technology

Manufacturing Technician

Manufacturing technicians use IIoT to digitally test the performance of equipment and production processes so they can be optimized before they’re set up for real world practice. For example, on the factory floor, a manufacturing technician might monitor the performance of machinery and equipment making sure nothing breaks down and that everything is operating at its maximum level of efficiency and quality control. By ensuring maximum productivity of production systems this way, they can find efficiencies, cut costs and ensure minimal waste.

Woman in lab coat handling fruit on a vine

Software Engineer

Software engineers apply principles of engineering, mathematics, and computer science to the design, development, and testing of software applications for computers. Software is at the heart of advanced manufacturing; bridging the gap between evolving how we make things and available technologies. But, to be useful, software systems need to collect data from somewhere. That’s where IIOT comes in. Realtime data is transforming the role of software engineer to AI specialist enabling greater prediction, control, and autonomy in products and manufacturing processes.

Woman in front of multiple screens displaying code

Supply Chain Manager

A supply chain manager analyzes data and processes to find creative solutions. As a supply chain manager, you would oversee a lot of moving parts, as different companies may supply the various pieces that go into a product before it’s assembled and shipped to the final user. Using IIOT, you could gather data at every step of the way, monitoring when components and products are shipped, how they are transported, when they are received, along with their level of quality along the way. You would also develop strategies to increase safety, efficiency, and productivity and reduce environmental impacts. People who make great supply chain managers are naturally organized individuals who can think big and who display keen leadership qualities.

Group of individuals in a warehouse standing together looking at a tablet

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